advanced apex specialist superbadge step 3

advanced apex specialist superbadge step 3

Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c e = new Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c(); pr.ProductCode = (String)productMap.get(_id); [ ] follow the instruction given on trailhed site to install this package. Because everyone knows that drug dealers are just dying to give away their edibles and carts to the good little boys and girls on Easter. id vehicleId = vehicle.Id; Product2 equipment = createEq(); newEMIRecordList.add(newEMIRecord); private class MaintenanceRequestHelperTest {, @testSetup "Signpost" puzzle from Tatham's collection. Hope it helps. List newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList = new List(); @istest In the class MaintenanceRequestHelper you create the Map mapProduct by putting the Product-Id as the Key and the Lifespan as the related value. 4. Map newCases = new Map(); For Challenge 1 I am getting error for some of the fields that they doesnt exist like Vehicle__c, Equipment__c, Due_Date__c. The certification consists of several parts: the Apex Specialist, Data Integration Specialist, and Advanced Apex Specialist Superbadges, and the Platform Developer II proctored multiple-choice exam. mukesh gupta. In that case the post hasnt been updated that much recently. I have followed all your steps correctly, But Im still having this error every single time in 3rd challenge. }, Challenge 2 : Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system List items = mapOldCasesWithItems.get(idOld); public static void testPositive(){ Help with Superbadge Apex Specialist Step 3? Urgently hiring. } workPartList.add(createWorkPart(equipmentList.get(i).id, requestList.get(i).id)); maintenanceNew.ContactId = contact.Id; I can fairly understand parts of it but never get the compete picture. leastValueMap.put(emi.Maintenance_Request__c,emi); Set oldIdCases = newCases.keySet(); Dr. David Kruger is an orthopedic spinal surgeon with Advanced Orthopedics New England. equipmentList.add(createEq()); Could you please point out the specific line of the code where the function has been used for me to check and get back to you more quickly. Let the universe renounce some goodness to you . Product2 newEquipment = new Product2(); lifespan_months__C = 10, newCase.Subject = 'Test Subject'; insert vehicle; Product2 product = new Product2(); if(!EquipmentIDListUpdate.contains(EMIRecord.Equipment__c)){ Is there a generic term for these trajectories? product2 equipment = new product2(name = SuperEquipment, AM Shift - Mon - Thurs 3:30 PM - 2:00 AM. Status=STATUS_NEW, Code shared by Laendor is not working. maintenanceNew.ProductId = product.Id; addDays+=daysToAdd; } Challenge Not yet complete heres whats wrong: Account acc = new Account(); Apologies for m caught quite off guard at this moment. insert vehicle; Try the same thing. Apex Specialist Superbadge Null Reference on Challenge 4. newCase.Origin=web; Learn. List newMRRecordList = new List(); TrailheadSalesforce maintenance_cycle__C = 10, If you don't see your @future method in the list, then there's something wrong, but if you . Salesforce Trailhead Superbadge 'Apex Specialist' Apex Specialist is one of the superbadges of Salesforce trailhead(A New Approach to Learning Salesforce). List EquipmentIDListUpdate = vehicleToEquipmentMap.get(MRRecord.Vehicle__c); System.debug(*** Total cases (expected 900): +numberAllCases); I am getting Variable does not exist: MaintenanceRequestTest error. Where can I find a clear diagram of the SPECK algorithm? Can you please help me out, I am also getting the same error. He is an attending physician at St. Francis Hospital, Medical Director of the Spine Institute of Connecticut, and an Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. EquipmentIDListUpdate.add(EMIRecord.Equipment__c); newEMIRecordList.add(newEMIRecord); Share to someone in the Trailhead Community. You signed in with another tab or window. This is Apex Specialist Superbadge Solution Step 4Sorry, For developer Console Issue.For Code :- You. Why in the Sierpiski Triangle is this set being used as the example for the OSC and not a more "natural"? leastValueMap.put(emi.Maintenance_Request__c,emi); } To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. }. pr.Cost__c = (Integer)productMap.get(cost); hi niya List EquipmentIDListUpdate = new List(); HttpResponse response = http.send(request); GitHub - pthakkar92/Advanced-Apex-Specialist-Superbadge: Advanced Apex Specialist main 1 branch 0 tags Go to file Code pthakkar92 initial 6edb36d on Aug 25, 2021 1 commit .vscode initial 2 years ago config initial 2 years ago force-app/main/ default initial 2 years ago manifest initial 2 years ago scripts initial 2 years ago .eslintignore initial Actions to Earn This Superbadge. Choose the Tab (orObject) you want torenameand clickEdit. List tmpCases = new List(); } I am at step 8 and I am facing the issue - Ensure that product2Controller is still working as specified in the earlier challenge. I think you should focus on gaining more of hands on experiences in handling scenarios similar to those in health cloud domain. for(Integer i_ok = 0; i_ok < 300; i_ok ++){ How Do I Check My Hdb Tenant Status, Most of the other answers I found online also keep pointing to this Equipment__c field, which doesnt exist. Please Check this answer if this helps. . newEMIRecordList.add(newEMIRecord); } test.stopTest(); list allRequests = [select id Invalid type: Schema.Work_Part__c, Use variable as ProductId instaed of Equipment__c Thanks for letting know. system.debug('newCaseList '+newCaseList); Map caseKeys = new Map (CaseIDs); } maintenanceNew.Type = 'Other'; Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2, What is wrong with my code on Trailhead challenge Developer Beginner > Apex Triggers > Bulk Apex Triggers, Apex Lightning upload fail because missing test class, How can I modify the meta data of any field using apex, How do i write test class for below apex code, Lightning Web Component Specialist Super badge: Challenge 7, Trailhead Superbadge Logic to create Junction Object, Apex Specialist Challenge 1 too Many DML Rows, Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation. Case newCase = buildCase(vehicle.Id,'Electrical','DummyFAIL_'+i_fail); id equipmentId = equipment.Id; case emptyReq = createMaintenanceRequest(vehicleId,equipmentId); update secondList; This query will return all completed batch, future, and queryable jobs that were completed today. Apex specialist superbadge challenge 4. Vehicle__c=vehicleId); Ever. test.stopTest(); list allRequest = [select id Currently there arent any specific certification related to health cloud. Department of Orthopedic Surgery at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center FROM Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c case cs = new case(Type=REPAIR, } Thanks again buddy. insert product; Hi Niya. Salesforce Consultant || 6X Certified Salesforce || 1X DevOps Certified || TrailheadRanger || Salesforce Lover || Follow me at, Automate record creation using Apex triggers, Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system using asynchronous REST callouts, Test automation logic to confirm Apex trigger side effects, Test integration logic using callout mocks. Lets grow together. . } I will try and review that shortly and update the required. Max Score. if(res.get(cycle)!=null){ The orthopedic doctors at Advanced Orthopedics New England offer comprehensive care for orthopedic injuries and diseases affecting the Neck & Back, Shoulder, Hand, Wrist & Elbow, Hip & Knee, and Foot & Ankle. Learn how your comment data is processed. req.Status = CLOSED; Maybe not optimized! } I am getting Variable does not exist: MaintenanceRequestTest error. Advanced Apex Specialist Superbadge- Ensure that product2Controller is still working as specified in the earlier challenge.’, How to pass values and call a method from Parent-to-Child Lightning Aura Component, Dynamic Show and Hide Button in Lightning Web Component embedded in another LWC, Salesforce Certification Free Vouchers 2022, Automate record creation using Apex triggers, Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system using asynchronous REST callouts, Test automation logic to confirm Apex trigger side effects, Test integration logic using callout mocks, Test scheduling logic to confirm action gets queued. id equipmentId = equipment.Id; case emptyReq = createMaintenanceRequest(vehicleId,equipmentId); insert equipment; List newCases = new List(); It appears to me your code simply takes randomly the lifespan of a related product. 1. for this code: @isTest Broaden your knowledge of the conditions we treat with our exclusive patient education library. thanks! for(Integer i_ok = 0; i_ok < 300; i_ok ++){ I even redid the Omni-Channel modules and must be missing something really basic :(, You didn't add routing configurations. . Alternatively you can join our telegram group for technical discussions among industry professionals. Step 1 Go through the Apex Specialist Use-Case,Business Requirement And Schema Diagram of the Story, Step 2 -Create a New Trail Head Playground so That there will not be any Problem while Going through the apex code, Step 3 -To Start the apex challenge Install this unmanaged package after that go through the Standard object and the custom object details in your org so that you might get understand the basic of the Requirement, Step 4 you all have the apex class made while installing unmanaged package, a. Update the following below code in the MaintenanceRequest trigger, trigger MaintenanceRequest on Case (before update, after update) {, // call MaintenanceRequestHelper.updateWorkOrders. Step 1 : Install this unmanaged package. pr.Lifespan_Months__c = (Integer)productMap.get(lifespan) ; } Duration. Thank you for this solution! for(Case caseInList: caseList){ contact.Email =; I just started Salesforce one and a half months ago. Hey itachi, try debugging the code and look where the issue is. insert equipment; emiList = [Select id,name,Maintenance_Request__c,Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c from Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c where Maintenance_Request__c IN: caseIdSet]; Map leastValueMap = new Map(); }, @istest Share to someone in the Trailhead Community. More Locations. } SYSTEM.assertEquals(newReq.Vehicle__c, vehicleId); Product2 product = [SELECT Id, Name, isActive, Maintenance_Cycle__c, Replacement_Part__c FROM Product2 WHERE Name = test LIMIT 1]; for(Integer i=1;i<=1000;i++){ Billing Specialist. } newCases.put(oneCase.Id, newRoutineCase); newCase.Date_Due__c = todayDate.addDays(numberOfDays); insert contact; Vehicle__c vehicle = new Vehicle__c(); newItems.add(i2); SELECT Maintenance_Request__r.ID cID, MIN(Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c)cycle You should definitely complete the task on your own and you can get all the help., @isTest MaintenanceRequestHelper.updateWorkOrders(); b. openxr example. Dr. David Kruger. Integer numberOfDays = Integer.valueOf(leastValueMap.get(c.Id).Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c); insert vehicle; { maintenanceNew.Type = 'Other'; } Step 2 : Rename Case with Maintenance Request Step 3 : Rename Product with Equipment The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new WarehouseCalloutServiceMock()); for(Case caseInList: caseList){ If you are facing any hurdles to complete the challenge, just go through the code. } System.assertEquals(1000,createdCases.size()); Need help for Challenge 4- can some one help me pls. Get the latest healthcare news directly in your inbox. Its been long time I completed those quests. ProductId=equipmentId, admin security specialist superbadge challenge 3. by ; 28 kwietnia 2023 . insert newEMIRecordList; system.debug(newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList +newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList); trailhead solution for apex specialist superbadge challenge 1 - maintenancerequest. I keep getting the "Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: Ensure you set up Email Routing to work without having to install the Email-to-Case agent behind a network firewall." The same woman who outlined the theories of the family structure to you at 9:30 this morning is now benching 225 lbs without even breaking that much of a sweat? Hope it helps, find it at the bottom of the website or search site name on telegram. for(Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c emi : emiList){ The spine program at St. Vincents, a collaboration between the Ayer Neuroscience and the Connecticut Orthopaedic Institutes, is one of only two hospitals in Connecticut to receive this certification. When I jumped into the super badge I realised that lack a lot of info surrounding the Superbadge. In addition to being critical for quality assurance, Apex unit tests are also requirements for deploying and distributing Apex. public static void updateWorkOrders(List caseList) { Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c i2 = buildItem(newCases[i_fail].Id, equipment.Id); product.Name = test; Please edit your answer to include an explanation of your code. Subject=REQUEST_SUBJECT, Origin=REQUEST_ORIGIN, Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c newEMIRecord = new Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c(); Hey Nikhil. } private static void testMaintenanceRequestPositive(){. Need help on specific errors? I don't know why, but at least I managed to get past challenge 4! Continuing my quest with trailhead#SeizetheTrail , the last one in my list is theAdvanced Apex Specialist Superbadge. Stuck on Superbadge Apex Specialist Step 4? Closing a Maintenance Request of type Routine Maintenance did not create of a new . Salesforce Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Salesforce administrators, implementation experts, developers and anybody in-between. The challenge is expecting to find the closed Maintenance Request plus an New Maintenance Request of type Routine Maintenance with the same Vehicle as the closed one. private static final String WAREHOUSE_URL =’; global class WarehouseSyncSchedule implements Schedulable {, global void execute(SchedulableContext ctx) { request.setEndpoint(WAREHOUSE_URL); How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? The major problem that I have with superbadges is just understanding the question I have always known the input and output when I did programming. caseToUpdate.add(newCase); newItem.Quantity__c = item.Quantity__c; pr.Warehouse_SKU__c = (String)productMap.get(sku); system.assert(allRequest.size() == 1); But I have created it as you can see in below image. for(Case MRRecord: newMap.values()){ Learn in-demand skills. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. why were some of the athenian slaves educated? Check out who got the most points on Advanced Apex Specialist. Step 2 : Rename Case withMaintenance Request, for rename follow this ==> Setup > Customize > Tab Names and Labels >Rename Tabs and Labels. Dr. Kruger is a specialist in spinal surgery. It only takes a minute to sign up. newCase.Comments = New comment!; document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Its Not Whether You Get Knocked Down, Its Whether You Get Up.. oldRequestIds.add(req.Id); check if u have creted a process builder , i did create a proces builder and deactivated and it worked for me. Challenge Not yet complete heres whats wrong: I dont see why there would be a Equipment__c lookup established with the Maintenance Request (Case) Object here, since the ERD clearly shows that the link is with the Equipment Maintenance Item Object (which can be found in the related list). Map productMap = (Map) p; public static void updateWorkOrders(List caseList) { A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Trailblazer. +13,000 points ~12 hrs App Builder Super Set Superbadge Complete the capstone assessment to earn the App Builder Super Set. newCase.Type = 'Routine Maintenance'; And I might not be the best to advice on that particular section. Full-time. These accreditations make Hartford HealthCare the only system in Connecticut with advanced spine certification. } maintenanceNew.AccountId = acc.Id; Can anyone explain me how getDueDate() function is defined under class: MaintenanceRequestHelper? 0. Undergraduate: College of Arts and Sciences, Northwestern University Medical School, Evanston, Illinois, 1979, Medical School: Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois, 1983, Residency: Orthopedic Surgery Resident, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit Michigan, 1989, Fellowship: Orthopedic Surgery Research Fellow, The University of Michigan, Biomechanics, Trauma and Sports Medicine Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1987 }, @isTest static void test_triggerMaintenanceRequestHelperTest() {. I am unaware of any changes. SYSTEM.assertEquals(newReq.Vehicle__c, vehicleId); newCase.Origin=web; Hey sanskar! } Please provide additional details in your answer. Date todayDate =; Required fields are marked *. insert tmpCases; public static Map getDueDate(List CaseIDs) { Please update challenge 6 as well as all the related material. newCase.Status=New; system.debug('leastValueMap '+leastValueMap); for(Case c : caseList){ Inserting a new Maintenance Request of type Routine Maintenance and then closing it did not create of a new Maintenance Request based upon the original record correctly. St. Vincents Spine Surgery Program was chosen for consistently delivering evidence-based, safe care and a proven commitment to continuous improvement., Salesforce Certification Free Vouchers 2022, How to pass values and call a method from Parent-to-Child Lightning Aura Component, Automate record creation using Apex triggers, Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system using asynchronous REST callouts, Test automation logic to confirm Apex trigger side effects, Test integration logic using callout mocks, Test scheduling logic to confirm action gets queued. CronTrigger is similar to a cron job on UNIX systems. Name. on Challenge 4 of the Service Cloud Specialist and I am going around in circles :(, 1: Enabled Email-to-Case and set it up to enable On-Demand (, 2: Setup the Auto-Response (, 3: Created a Service Channel and set it up as "Stormy Cases" (, 4: Enabled Omni-Channel and set it up (, 5: Setup Presence Statuses (, 6: Setup Presence Decline Reason (, 7: Setup Presence Configurations ( which all have the Assigned Profile "Cloud Team Technical Support", 8: Added Omni-Channel to the "Cloudy Support Service Console" App (, I feel like I've overcomplicated it, but can't seem to work out what's not right. He completed his spinal surgery fellowship at the State University of New York, Health Science Center. upsert newProducts; for(Id idOld : idOldCases){ system.debug(newEMIRecordList.size() +newEMIRecordList.size()); Superbadge Apex Specialist looks good on Resume, and they prove worth it as well. Jessica is certified by the National Commission on Certification of Physicians Assistants and is licensed by the State of Connecticut. Badge. List newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList = new List(); Westport, CT 06880. } public with sharing class MaintenanceRequestHelperTest {. maintenanceNew.Product__c = product.Id; id vehicleId = vehicle.Id; product2 equipment = createEq(); maintenanceNew.Vehicle__c = vehicle.Id; Superbadge Apex Specialist Full Solutions 13 June 2020 by Nitin Raj Table of Contents Challenge 1: Automate record creation Challenge 2: Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system Challenge 3: Schedule synchronization Challenge 4: Test automation logic Challenge 5: Test callout logic Challenge 6: Test scheduling logic 5 interesting facts about saint francis of assisi, fanduel sorry we were unable to process your withdrawal, bed and breakfast affitto gestione lago di garda, dutchess county sheriff's office pistol permit hours. I hope you well.I know I should contact you but I just do not have anyone to turn to.Am stuck on challenge 4 for almost 3 weeks.Please help out. newCase.Equipment__c = leastValueMap.get(c.Id).Equipment__c; If commutes with all generators, then Casimir operator? pr.Current_Inventory__c = (Integer)productMap.get(quantity); Hi Shaid, Please use below code:-. I find it really difficult to do anything on my own. You have to rename the two standard fields as indicated and then the mentioned changes in apex and trigger codes. I have Class name MaintenanceRequestHelper and i am adding it but still it not accepting this getting below error. Hope this helps!Looking For? pr.Replacement_Part__c = (Boolean)productMap.get(replacement); Is there a resource that I can go through that could help my understanding of apex broaden out and then attempt this superbadge. list vehicleList = new list(); } I have Class name MaintenanceRequestHelper and i am adding it but still it not accepting this getting below error. Paste it below to help someone else looking. List wpc= [ if (!mapCases.containsKey(oldCaseId)){ Dr. Kruger received his doctorate in medicine at Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago and completed his postgraduate training at the Henry Ford Hospital and the University of Michigan, Biomechanics, Trauma, and Sports Medicine Laboratory. Http http = new Http(); newVehicle.Name = Dummy Vehicle; public static Product2 buildEquipment(){ Refer to the Apex Specialist Superbadge: Trailhead Challenge Help document for detailed resources and documentation. Is there a specific import order? newCase.Vehicle__c = c.Vehicle__c; } emptyReq.Status = WORKING; for(Case MRRecord: newMap.values()){ newCase.Vehicle__c = c.Vehicle__c; for(case req : requestList){ This is an unofficial (no salesforce sponsorship) forum to discuss getting certified and building on salesforce platforms (, heroku, exacttarget, slack, etc. We are always on the hunt for writers that have something interesting to say! Use integration and business logic to push your Apex coding skills to the limit with the Apex Specialist superbadge. private static final string REPAIR = Repair; You must have 100% test coverage to pass this challenge and assert values to prove that your logic is working as expected. EquipmentIDListUpdate.add(EMIRecord.Equipment__c); i wanted to excel myself in healthcloud domain of salesforce as i have started badges of that domain on trailhead Any help appreciated! North American Spine Society } else if(leastValueMap.containsKey(emi.Maintenance_Request__c) && emi.Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c < leastValueMap.get(emi.Maintenance_Request__c).Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c){ document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

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