conversation between tourist and guide in french

conversation between tourist and guide in french

How to Practice with French Conversation Scripts, Where to Find French Conversation Practice Scripts. b - Order with "je voudrais.". Jeannette Zeuner. France isn't the cheapest of countries so whether you're at the guichet or elsewhere, it doesn't hurt to be price-conscious. Simply excuse yourself, say that you dont understand and if you would like to continue the conversation, try the following French phrase: Pouvez-vous rpter, sil vous plat ? (Two bedrooms? ), Combien a cote ? If youre speaking to a local and would like them to speak a little more slowly, its better to just ask them, rather than suffering in silence. This dialogue is a great way to learn how to order food in French. Agent: Merci. Youll raise some impressed eyebrows if you bust out this fancy French nice to meet ya.. 2023 Enux Education Limited. Que font ton frre et ta sur ? I'm your tour guide. Here are some of the more common ways to fill in the blank: If you're vegetarian, say so with je suis vgtarien (for men) or vgtarienne (for women.). Youll often hear la facture used in Quebec instead of laddition however both are perfectly understandable to waitstaff. Do you mean yes, I have been to Paris contrary to your assertion or yes, you're correct: I haven't been to Paris? Dini : Let's go ! Before you leave for your trip, try making a list of things youd like to do. 64% (14) 64% found this document useful (14 votes) 53K views 3 pages. You can get used to hearing the French language before you leave your house with immersion programs. (My name is Lisa. Home Articles 60+ Essential French Phrases for Beginners to Start Speaking Now. Avez-vous donc un titre de sjour ? (My family is from the Ivory Coast. How do you do ? And if youre ready to learn more French, check out the 111 core French words that are commonly used. ***Demo Class is Free*** For classes register through our we. Not sure where to start? This phrase is extremely common when in France you'll likely hear it several times per day. Je mintresse au poste de professeur danglais. You can leave the other items here. Do you have references? Just remember not to fall back to English when the going gets tough. A great line for engaging the chipper shop girl, practicing your French and finding gifts for the folks back home. Bon apptit! a te dit daller boire un verre ce soir ? Click here to get a copy. Est-ce quil y a un lave-vaisselle dans la cuisine ? Listen to the Conversation. So s'il vous plat and s'il te plat both mean please (literally, if it pleases you), but s'il vous plait is the more polite version. Votre temprature du corps est de 38.5 C. Let's begin! Je resterai trois nuits. (Download). Travel Agent: I just need your full name and passport number. Similarly, when you enter a shop, its always nice to greet the shopkeeper by saying hello or good morning, also as you learned above. Its very kind of you. ), COMMERANT: Avez-vous besoin dune carte ? O se trouve la station de mtro la plus proche? Its super to not go to the laundromat. 1. ), VOUS: Quel soulagement. There I was, just trying to buy a few carrots at self-checkout when the attendant noticed my confusion at the machine. I present you) ), RCEPTIONNISTE: Avez-vous une rservation ? This is a casual way to say goodbye. Finally, do you have something with your address, a bill for example ? Pardon? is also how you'd ask someone to repeat themselves if you didn't hear or understand what they said. Pouvez-vous mappeler un taxi, sil vous plat ? Rentrez-bien ! (Have a good day.). ), VOUS: Non, mais jai le nez bouch. These phrases will come in handy. To order in French is commander, when you're talking about ordering something in a restaurant. Elle parle anglais avec Jane. Quoi de neuf. Download: Je suis rpu/repue. The elevator is to the left of the reception desk.). In the unlikely scenario that you get into trouble when in France, its really important to have armed yourself with the right words to get out of a bind. I sell them in my store. (If you speak German, note that on in this sense is like the German word man.). ), RCEPTIONNISTE: Daccord. Whats new? Je cherche lglise Sainte-Agathe. You and the cashier dont know each other personally. When you're ready, say nous voudrions commander maintenant we'd like to order now.. a marche. En forme ? (To start, I will have a green salad. There are many ways in French to say hello, but bonjour is undoubtedly the most well-known. Guide : Hello,mam.I'm your tour guide.let's begin! Je vous vois demain. RCEPTIONNISTE(RECEPTIONIST): Est-ce que je pourrais vous aider ? End of the free exercise to learn French: Dialogue : A visitor from abroad. Oui, merci. If you reply yes, it's not exactly clear what you're saying. In our final scenario, youre not feeling well, so you decide to go chez le mdecin (to the doctors office). S'il vous plat and merci (please and thank you) are necessities, and if you're looking for niceties as conversation starters you can always fall back on the weather. It means yes, but more specifically it contradicts the assertion in the question. Sometimes, vocabulary isnt the problem. (I have a younger brother and an older sister. Add a monsieur (sir) or madame (maam) to be polite. However, it can be intimidating approaching a nativeletting them know that youre not fluent will really put your mind to rest! (Do you have brothers and sisters? Wherever you go in France, youll find a whole host of things that make the area unique. It beats sitting in a French class, doesnt it? ), VOUS: Oui. Emmenez-moi cette adresse, sil vous plat. If you run into trouble in France, one good address to have on hand is that of the American embassy. Voici mon appartement. Use this phrase to explain to your new friends where youre staying, as well as how long youre staying. ), TOI: Jai un petit frre et une grande sur. ), On sinstalle l-bas ? You can do the same with the interactive subtitles at any point during the video, and pull up a contextual definition, example sentences and even other videos where the word is used. (My brother still goes to high school and my sister is a lawyer. After all, isn't the goal of language learning to communicate? You see a commerant (shopkeeper) opening up his store for the day, and you decide to ask for directions in French. Mon pre est diplomate et ma mre est mdecin. And remember, French time works a little differently and is often given on a 24-hour cycle, so if someone responds with dix-sept heures(literally, 17 hours), they mean 5 p.m. French cuisine is famous around the world, so what better place to try it than in its country of origin? 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Use this phrase when youre first starting a conversation, or want to continue talking to someone in French. One final bit of restaurant-related vocabulary the bill (or check if you're American) is l'addition. ), On prend des shooters ! Dave: That would be great. There are also French phrases to know in case of emergency. ), VOUS: Et aprs le bureau de poste ? (I am from the United States. Further, a medical doctor is not a docteur in French; that more commonly denotes someone who has received their PhD. Benny believes the best approach to language learning is to speak from day one. In this post, Ill introduce you to 108 basic French phrases for travelers, as well as tips and cultural context so theyre easier to memorize ahead of time. (Yes. Nous restons (Were staying) Across France, especially in the summer months, its worth checking out closing times. (Download). We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. (Hello, madame. So if you're not sure, ask someone comment a s'ecrit? How do you spell that? Literally: How does that write itself?, Or if you don't trust your own transcription abilities, try asking them to write it for you: say Est-ce que vous pouvez l'crire? Can you write it (down)?, Struggling to find your way around? VOUS: Bonjour. Traversez le pont et puis tournez droite. You can also ask if there is an entrance fee or admission cost. Nous sommes arrivs/arrives(We arrived) Aimer usually means like, but in this context it means love in the most romantic of senses. Je voudrais postuler ce poste. Combien a cote ? Learning French becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. Moi, cest (Me, Im) Furthermore, some conversations are more technical or advanced than others. French dialogues also put grammatical constructions in context, teach new and topical vocabulary and let us see conversational conventions in controlled settings. Now, opening a bank account is a big step, especially in another country. Looking for something? Further, topics are varied and span everything from introductions and describing yourself to short, fantastical French stories. Le petit djeuner est de 7h 10h30. This is another way of saying This is [my] when you want to introduce two people to each other. The French take manners very seriously, and if youre meeting someone for the first time, or talking to a stranger, its important that you address them in the right way. (I have an American passport. Or if you're by yourself, say je voudrais (I'd like) instead of nous voudrions (we'd like). Switch roles, too, so that you both have a chance to say each line. ), VOUS: Oui. (We will have a chocolate souffl to share.). Est-ce quil y a un lave-vaisselle dans la cuisine ? Agent: De rien! Use it wisely! The teacher will work each morning from 9 am to 11:30 am. Puis-je avoir un plan de la ville, sil vous plat ? ), VOUS: Merci pour les renseignements. These days you normally use you when you're talking about people in general. Use this polite phrase with your taxi driver before you hand over that crumpled sticky note withFranois address on it. Non, je regarde pour linstant. works for casual one-on-one scenarios. Lascenseur est gauche de la rception. The chicken cordon bleu was delicious. is also a good option when youre with more than one person or having a tte--tte(one-on-one discussion) with a distinguished gentleperson. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. Easy: sont means are while est means is. Because youre roughly the same age, you employ the informal tu (you). Vous devez les peser la machine dans le rayon fruits et lgumes. and ask o est X Where is X?. Quest-ce qui ne va pas ? ), BANQUIER: Bien. Pouvez-vous revenir demain, vers 14h ? Youll often be asked to put the words in order so that they form a complete thought, allowing you to review word order and see how individual words fit together. Elle est la grande place. These images show ruined buildings in the city of Uman, located in central Ukraine, after Russia fired more than 20 cruise missiles and two drones at the region on Friday, killing at least 23 people. It can make the script seem more realistic and enjoyable. Full disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Et pour le dner, quest-ce que vous voudriez ? And I would like a room with a bathroom, please. As a main dish, I would like the chicken cordon bleu. In this easy French conversation guide, you'll learn: How to introduce yourself How to ask about plans and much more Yes! Excusez-moi, Madame. What is the matter? Therefore, you may not want to use all these dialogues in one shot. When dining out in any language, there are usually a few subtleties around how to order. The second bedroom is a home office. Et jai a une grande tlvision dans le salon. Est-ce que le poste est temps complet ou temps partiel ? (I study history because I want to be a high school history teacher. Please note, this customer is a lead, which means they have already shown an interest in the services offered by the travel company. Here, Ill provide 10 simple, sample French conversation scripts, along with resources so you can find more on your own. Non ! This is some real franaissoutenu(formal French), and youll rarely hear a young French person say this. Continuez tout droit sur 300 mtres jusquau pont. Youre practicing how to introduce yourself, after all. Stage your characters. . Et pour le dner, quest-ce que vous voudriez ? When the meal is finished, you can ask for the check by saying, laddition, sil vous plat . All Rights Reserved. Or how do you say cool in French slang? At the bus , the guide and the tourists have a conversation . Conversation Samples. ), CAISSIER: Pas de problme. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. La deuxime chambre est un bureau domicile. Nous habitons Chicago, mais mes grand-parents viennent dItalie. Bonne journe. If youre learning French, chances are youll want to practice your language skills when you go out there. All Rights Reserved. quelle heure est-ce quil faut rgler la note? ), TOI: Elle travaille dans une pharmacie. If you Here are some French phrases for travelers to build off ofo est.. This provides a fantastic opportunity to travel, practice French and make money all at the same time. This one will really impress people. Another way of saying where is it? is o se trouve, literally where is (it) found. Je vous prsente (lit. ), La carte des vins, sil vous plat. (Thank you. And to be polite, start your request with excusez-moi monsieur/madame. This is the polite way of saying how are you? in French. Cross the bridge and then turn right. (It is a coq au vin. Bien. While situations like these are incredible if youre a learner, they can also be very intimidating. ), GRARD: Oui. Tourist Oh hi wira.Is it your name?because my friend told me like that. Jespre jouer un jour dans un orchestre. Introducing yourself. If you have any questions while we're going along, please don't hesitate to ask. Saying je parle un peu franaiswill enable you to continue practicing your speaking skills, while at the same time alleviating any pressure you might feel to talk fluently. Along the way, however, you get lost. (That works. Podcast Franais Facile (Easy French Podcast). Learning some French vocabulary for weather is a great idea before you venture outbeing able to understand what sun and rain are in French will help you to listen out for all the right words. (I would like to pay in cash.). Bien ! Ha! (What instrument? (What is the special of the day? Merci pour les renseignements. If you'd like, I can reserve a seat now, and you don't need to pay right away. (No problem. Avez-vous une carte didentit ? You'll also learn how to talk about your nationality. Don't confuse this with ordonner, which is used in the sense of to order a person to do something, such as in the military. ), MDECIN: Vous devriez vous reposer. The video itself starts with dialogues aimed at beginner and pre-intermediate learners and moves up to more advanced topics for intermediate and upper-intermediate learners. / Whats up? Avez-vous besoin du service de rveil automatique par tlphone ? Je suis la recherche dun (Im looking for a) Its also acceptable in nearly any restaurant to use on instead of nous for we, as I mentioned earlier: On voudrait commander maintenant. Unfortunately, French spelling isn't the easiest. En plat principal, je voudrais le poulet cordon bleu. ), VOUS: Nous allons prendre un souffl au chocolat partager. Akihabara wa, koko s j-nen de Akihabara to yoba re, Akihabara chiku wa nihon'noanime, manga, bideogmu no otaku bunka no chshinchi to shite fuj shimashita. CAISSIER (CASHIER): Excusez-moi, Madame. (Thank you, sir. You can find out who the people involved are, what the context is and some listening tips. a y est ! (I really enjoyed myself.) ), Comment dit-on en franais ? Have a good day. 239 dialogues en franais (239 dialogues in French). Et toi ? But you can also ask for a menu, which is usually called a fixed-price menu in English. Nous voudrions une bouteille de vin rouge. Youve decided to dine together, and you two have looked at the menu. You'll also get the translations for each one. (My dad is a diplomat and my mom is a doctor. (Good. Tourism is a major part of the French economy, representing close to 8% of GDP and 2 million direct and indirect jobs. -Oh, elle doit avoir ou dix-huit ans, je suppose.-Et son anglais ? Nous habitons Chicago, mais mes grand-parents viennent dItalie. While its essentially the same as a resume, there are some meaningful differences, so make sure to master writing a CV in French before applying to jobs. Clerk : Alright sir, please wait a moment. Je mappelle Grard. If you meet people, get lost or just need to ask a local some questions, these expressions and sayings will help you out in most tourist scenarios and make your time in France truly memorable! I am Gupta and I am calling from Vistara Tours and . Staff are likely to have all the information about local transport and taxis and normally will be able to supply you with one in no time at all! A carte is what you typically think of when you hear the word menu. Je me suis vraiment bien amus/amuse. Youd know the words if you could make them out, but you can't because the other person is talking too fast! Many North American cards dont have chip-and-pin security, and some stores in France dont have magnetic strip readers. Hello, my name is Robert. In this case, you should say it with a rising tone to indicate that it's a question. Puis-je avoir un plan du mtro, sil vous plat ? (And after the post office? This is the scenario. Client: Merci! Say this right before you clink glasses with your new French pals. When youre talking about jobs in French, remember that you dont need the word un or une (a/an). Dont worry if you dont understand. Jai oubli ! (I miss you already! These are language learning programs based on exposing learners to real French content. Je les vends dans mon magasin. Literally, these questions mean what do you call yourself?. Jaime regarder le foot. These French travel phrases will have your back throughout your trip! Click here to get a copy. (Oh, yes. This program pairs native French videos with French and English subtitles, on-demand definitions and other learning tools. ), COMMERANT: Allez dans la ruelle gauche du bureau. 1. Is there a dishwasher in the kitchen? Excusez-moi, Monsieur. Unlike restaurants in the United States, its not customary for servers or wait staff at a restaurant to constantly check in on you and your fellow diners. Bonjour. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you Speak French Fluently has a fair collection of dialogues from authentic French sources with full French transcripts from France, Quebec and Africa. Try different countries, names, fields of study, etc. However, this conversation allows you to familiarize yourself with specialized vocabulary such as financial terms and document names, which can be helpful even during shorter trips. Oui. Jaurais besoin de votre CV, sil vous plat. (I will have a nioise salade and the coq au vin. Keep it real. Quest-ce que tu tudies ? Client: Prs de couloir. You will stay in room 23 on the second floor. Note that in France, the 24-hour clock is often used, especially in a formal situation. (Want to go get a drink tonight? Aside from traditional language and grammar lessons, this channel also has tons of French dialogues. (Okay. Avez-vous besoin dune carte ? (I am not well. ), GRARD: Cest 650 euros par mois. Avez-vous besoin du service de rveil automatique par tlphone ? Do you have a visa, then? Fire! One doesn't use the word one very much in modern English one finds it rather old-timey and stuffy. Unlike in English, where we say I am looking for the French dont use a preposition (for) after the verb, and simply follow this phrase with what theyre searching for. (I play the violin.). This is a much more polite term of address, and expected when you havent gotten to know someone well yet. For example, in French 80 is four 20s, 81 is four 20s plus 1, and so forth. Je suis moiti franaise, moiti corenne mais nous habitons en Suisse. I wrote a guide to help you with French pronunciation here. This is a more casual way of introducing yourself. Je m'appelle Jill. (No. Tchin tchin ! Use this phrase to let someone know when you got into town. Be sure to make eye contact while doing so. ), VOUS: Merci. Give me a minute. ), VOUS: Merci pour votre patience. They aren't very common in France and if you do find one, you'll probably have to pay to use it. will ensure that you dont find yourself in any sticky payment situations down the line. What are the most common phrases in French? (Excuse me, maam. Dont forget that much of the time, the weather in France is described using the verb faire. Learn how to book a tour in French. This way, you can adjust the phrases you learn accordingly and be ready to ask about certain exhibitions in the area or how to find a place to eat that serves a certain local dish youd like to try. 108 French Travel Phrases for a Smooth Trip to France, Oui ! Everyone loves a souvenir, and its likely that youll take your camera along with you to capture precious memories. Bonne journe ! (Are you both ready to order? La deuxime chambre est un bureau domicile. ), RCEPTIONNISTE: Excellent. (I am an only child. Unless youre looking to live in France long-term, you probably wont actually create an account with a French bank. (Yes, thank you. Even just knowing this phrase is incredibly handy. (Im spent, Im leaving.). Youre still working on perfecting the language, so you go to a local event for FLE (franais comme langue trangre ) or French as a foreign language college students. How do you expect to communicate with anybody if the only thing you've learned so far is a verb table? A necessity if youre trying to make conversation with a native, je ne comprends pas will serve you well if you ever get stuck.

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